
Coach and Mentor

People are People

When I encounter people I have not seen for a while the conversations often start with “you haven’t changed a bit … remember when you said this to me …”. They would go on to recount some advice that I gave them ten, twenty, thirty, even forty years ago that has stayed with them. Often the veracity of that advice decades later surprises me.

The difference between that youthful counselor and the Aiman of today is thirty years of progressive life experience to draw on, substantive academic credentials and an impressive resume of professional and volunteer experience.

Peer to peer coaching is an area where I bring significant expertise and demonstrable results. I help individuals achieve their personal and business goals. My approach is consultative and direct. Certainly, my formal background in psychology, counseling and consulting gives me unique advantage.

I have coached young people starting their careers, corporate executives and business owners. In providing support I draw heavily on my experience developing and leading the 7 key management foci for business continuance:

  1. Strategy
  2. Marketing
  3. Sales
  4. Finance
  5. Human Resources
  6. Operations
  7. Information Technology

I also believe in a need for balance across the 4 Quadrants of life:

  1. Family and Community
  2. Health and Well Being
  3. Education and Professionalizes
  4. Wealth.

I use the tools that I have developed to help individuals develop strategies to meet corporate objectives such as growth, efficiency, staff engagement, and succession. Similarly, I guide people to enhancing relationships, improving their health, pursuing personal advancement and building their asset base. My basic approach to personal success is that people already have in them what it takes to be the person they were born to be, but it always helps to get a little push from someone with experience and objectivity.